Treating Posterior/Superior Glenoid Wear (B2/E2) in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty with an Augmented Baseplate (extended version)
Dr. Thomas Duquin demonstrates implanting a Comprehensive® Augmented Baseplate in a commonly seen posterior/superior glenoid wear pattern. This extended technique will go through the basic surgical technique of the Augmented Baseplate along with the full reverse surgical technique including humeral resection steps and glenoid exposure tips. For a more condensed version featuring the basic surgical technique of the Augmented Baseplate demonstrating the simple, reproducible method of restoring the glenoid for a stable and successful reconstruction, CLICK HERE.
To learn more about the Comprehensive® Reverse Shoulder System Augmented Baseplate you can use the “click here to be contacted for more information” button, immediately below the video or visit here to view the Augmented Baseplate Surgical Technique or Augmented Baseplate Surgical Technique ANIMATION webpages.