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Rheumatoid Silicone MCP Arthroplasties via Longitudinal Approaches and PIP Swan Neck Corrections
October 2, 2023
We present a varied surgical approach to a painful rheumatoid hand with moderate MCP joint ...
read more ↘ destruction and swan neck deformities of IV/V digits. We use two longitudinal incisions for silicone MCP arthroplasties and extensor tendon centralization followed by application of an amniotic membrane to minimize adhesions while promoting healing. PIP capsulectomies of ring and small fingers followed by oblique temporary pinning to correct rigid swan neck deformities.
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read more ↘ destruction and swan neck deformities of IV/V digits. We use two longitudinal incisions for silicone MCP arthroplasties and extensor tendon centralization followed by application of an amniotic membrane to minimize adhesions while promoting healing. PIP capsulectomies of ring and small fingers followed by oblique temporary pinning to correct rigid swan neck deformities.
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