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Introducing the "Trampolin Sign" for Evaluation of the Posteromedial Meniscus Ramp
October 30, 2022
Posteromedial Ramp Lesion of the Meniscus are associated with ACL Rupture. Nevertheless, there are difficult ...
read more ↘ to detect since MRI is not sensitive. Arthroscopic Evaluation using a modfied Gillquist view to visualize the posteromedial compartment is standard. Dynamic Evaluation of the meniscular-capsular ligaments might help in order to distinguish between intact ramp, stable oder unstable tear. Nevertheless, clinical studies on correlation between trampolin sign and presence of relevant ramp lesion are needed.
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read more ↘ to detect since MRI is not sensitive. Arthroscopic Evaluation using a modfied Gillquist view to visualize the posteromedial compartment is standard. Dynamic Evaluation of the meniscular-capsular ligaments might help in order to distinguish between intact ramp, stable oder unstable tear. Nevertheless, clinical studies on correlation between trampolin sign and presence of relevant ramp lesion are needed.
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