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Hip Arthroscopy: Labral Reconstruction - Double Bundle Technique Using a Gracilis Tendon Autograft
March 7, 2013
The acetabular labrum functions as the suction seal of the hip joint. It adds stability ...
read more ↘ to the joint and helps lubricating by keeping the synovial fluid in. Dysfunctional labrum can result in chondral damage and early osteo-arthritis. Labral reconstruction is a relatively new procedure, which aims to restore the suction seal functionality of a missing or an un-repairable labrum. We use this technique for patients without extensive cartilage damage.
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read more ↘ to the joint and helps lubricating by keeping the synovial fluid in. Dysfunctional labrum can result in chondral damage and early osteo-arthritis. Labral reconstruction is a relatively new procedure, which aims to restore the suction seal functionality of a missing or an un-repairable labrum. We use this technique for patients without extensive cartilage damage.
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