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Ankle ORIF and Anterior Capsular Repair
April 15, 2019
I have posted this video to demonstrate the soft tissue disruption that is often ignored ...
read more ↘ in ankle fracture surgery. The anterior capsule is a major AP stabiliser of the Talus in the Mortice. We tend to fix the Medial and Lateral restraints but ignore the anterior. This often leads to AP instability and rapid Chondrolysis. Difficult to prove but have done enough to draw some conclusions of my own.
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read more ↘ in ankle fracture surgery. The anterior capsule is a major AP stabiliser of the Talus in the Mortice. We tend to fix the Medial and Lateral restraints but ignore the anterior. This often leads to AP instability and rapid Chondrolysis. Difficult to prove but have done enough to draw some conclusions of my own.
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