A Fresh Look at Finding Patients that Benefit from Cardiac Contractility Modulation: Highlights from Virtual EP Connect

October 12, 2023
This video clip from the series “Virtual EP Connect” highlights the discussion between luminary Electrophysiologists and Heart Failure Specialists taking a fresh look at identifying the population of patients that could benefit from Cardiac Contractility Modulation in the treatment of symptomatic HF in patients who are not candidates for CRT (NYHA Class III, with EF 25-45%). Drs. Vivek Reddy and Frank Marchlinski moderate this session, featuring a renown panel of HF specialists (William Abraham and Anu Lala) and Electrophysiologists (Rahul Doshi and Prof. Jurgen Kuschyk), exploring the question: is it time to revisit CCM® therapy as a treatment option for our heart failure patients?

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