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Hilton Portland Downtown, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR
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Join the National Lipid Association in the City of Roses, Portland, Ore., February 22-24, 2019, at the Hilton Downtown Portland for one of clinical lipidology's premier events!
Featured topics include:
- Comparison Between 2013 and 2018 Cholesterol Guidelines in Primary Prevention
- Implications of REDUCE-IT Results and Other Trials in Progress
- New Insights into Triglyceride Therapy and the Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Reducing Cardiovascular Risk
Earn up to 11.75 CME/CE credits and hear from renowned faculty while networking with some of the greatest minds in clinical lipidology. Stay at the top of your profession by registering now to attend this important event!
Educational Objectives:
At the conclusion of this activity, all participants should be able to:
- Discuss strategies to improve the knowledge, skills or performance of the healthcare team;
Session I: 2018 Cholesterol Guidelines- Fireside Chat
- Review the new cholesterol guidelines for the diagnosis, management and treatment of at-risk patients.
- Interpret evidence from recent clinical outcomes trials of omega-3 fatty acids including those in clinical development.
Session III: Prescription Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Discuss the impact of omega-3 fatty acids on patients with hypertriglyceridemia.
- Review the potential atherosclerotic benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.
Session IV: Success in Developing a Lipid Clinic: Lessons Learned
- Discuss efficient models of outpatient care, including operational issues, regulations, and referral strategies to run successful lipid clinics in various settings.
Session V: Finding Guidance in the Guidelines
- Review the new cholesterol guidelines for the diagnosis, management, and treatment of patients with ASCVD.
- Describe strategies that improve patient adherence.
- Apply current guidelines on the diagnosis, management and treatment of high-risk patients.
Session VI: Plant Based vs. Ketogenic Diets
- Assess the evidence for lowering LDL-C with nutraceuticals.
- Outline the impact of various diets on short-term and long-term cardiovascular risks.
Session VII: Optimizing ASCVD Risk Reduction in Diabetes
- Compare therapeutic options for the treatment of ASCVD risk in patients with diabetes.
- Define treatment options to minimize microvascular complications related to diabetes.
- Assess the implications of recent outcomes trials for the future clinical management of patients with diabetes.
Special Session: New Drugs in Development
- Discuss the implications of novel therapies in development for the future clinical management of patients with dyslipidemia.
Session VIII: Pediatric Lipidology
- Recognize the impact that early intervention places on successful lifelong treatment of patients with dyslipidemia.
- Identify issues in the management of children with dyslipidemia.
- Describe evidence for screening and treatment recommendations for adolescents with metabolic syndrome.
- Discuss current literature on the use of imaging in the management of children with dyslipidemia.
Target Audience:
This activity is designed to meet the needs of physicians, physician assistants, pharmacists, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, advance practice registered nurses, and registered dietitians with an interest in lipid management.
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