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HFSA 2023 - Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump – Bridge to Heart Transplant.
Welcome to the third presentation within the session, "HFSA 2023: Reviving Hearts Renewing Lives: The Evolution of Counterpulsation in Heart Failure," from the 2023 Heart Failure Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting.
HFSA 2023 - Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump – Bridge to Heart Transplant.
Claudia G. Gidea, MD, FACC, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark, NJ.
Discover the impact of the 2018 UNOS policy change on heart transplant allocation and learn how IABP support improves outcomes for advanced heart failure patients. Dr. Gidea explores patient characteristics, allocation changes, and early mobilization protocols, offering valuable insights for clinicians and healthcare professionals. Enhance your understanding of this critical bridge therapy and its role in optimizing heart transplant outcomes.
To watch the full-length session, click here.