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Investigator Initiated Studies Instructional Video

October 3, 2018
"DePuy Synthes Companies invests in two types of investigator initiated research – clinical and scientific. Each research request is individually evaluated by a DePuy Synthes Companies cross-functional team for compliance with pre-established criteria and alignment with our Company’s strategic initiatives. Research funding is not contingent upon the use, purchase, or recommendation of DePuy Synthes Companies products. Clinical Research-Investigator initiated clinical study research is initiated and sponsored by a third party and relates to disease states, conditions, or treatments of patients relevant to the Company’s business interests or strategic initiatives. Scientific Research-
Scientific research focuses on animal, cadaveric, biomechanical, biometric data collection, and other forms of research not involving live human research subjects. To request research documents for a proposed scientific research submission, please email:"

This content is intended for Health Care Professionals in the United States. To view educational resources, visit
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