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Challenges in Total Knee Revision 4/4: How can a modern knee design influence indications for hinged knees?

By B. Braun FEATURING Robert Tait
By B. Braun FEATURING Robert Tait
September 2, 2022
Clinical experience by using the EnduRo rotating hinge knee system. Technical product concept and case presentation where a rotating hinge design is indicated from the author´s perspective by Robert Tait, MD

To get more information, please visit the below-mentioned links for other chapters of this Challenges in Total Knee Revision discussion:

Challenges in Total Knee Revision 1/4: Be on the safe side in revision knee arthroplasty with AS Technology
Challenges in Total Knee Revision 2/4: How can Navigation (OrthoPilot®) support knee revision?
Challenges in Total Knee Revision 3/4: Lessons learned from difficult cases - Case discussion

To get more information, please visit our official site.

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