15th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and the Growing Spine (ICEOS)
- Session 1: VBT for the Growing Spine
- Session 2: VBT Techniques and Innovations
- Session 4: This Moment on the Pendulum: Probing the Limits of MCGR
- Session 5: The Tweener Debate
- Session 6: Free Papers
- Session 7: Breakouts
- Session 8: The Wisdom of the Ages: Perspectives from Surgeons Battling EOS for >20 years
- Session 9: EOS: State of the Art 2021
- Session 10: Free Papers
- Event
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Finite Element Comparison of the Spring Distraction System and the Traditional Growing Rod for the Treatment of Early Onset Scoliosis
January 24, 2022
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Session 6: Free Papers